Dispur Polyclinic and Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.

Soothe your throat with natural home remedies for cough. Explore simple yet effective ways like honey, ginger, and herbal teas to ease discomfort.

Home Remedies for Cough: Natural Ways to Soothe Your Throat

Cough and cold are among the most common complaints, especially in winter. Home remedies for cough or over-the-counter pills can provide relief. However, prolonged coughing can also signal several hidden conditions. 

Several proven natural remedies for constant coughs help soothe it. However, before resorting to a natural cough remedy, it is essential to know the cause of the cough.

Let us delve into some effective ways to stop coughing naturally. 

What are Home Remedies?

Home remedies are medications or tonics prepared with ingredients found at home to treat certain ailments without prescription or professional supervision.  Several natural herbs including Ginger, honey, turmeric milk, liquorice sticks, a decoction of some herbs, and several other natural ingredients are useful in treating cough. 

What is a cough?

A cough is a natural reflex by the body to remove dust and other irritants we breathe in. Also, a cough gets rid of mucus from the throat and chest. Symptoms related to a cough depend on what is causing it. However, the most common causes of short-term (acute) coughs are viral infection, allergy, seasonal variation, runny nose, or heartburn. Also, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis may cause a cough.

Popular Home Remedies for Cough 

You can find relief from your struggles with some easily available cough remedies at home. Natural concoctions made from ginger, honey, turmeric milk, liquorice sticks, and a decoction of some herbs can solve your problem. Several natural home remedies and procedures are effective in treating cough. 

Let us discuss the best home remedies for cough.


Ginger is one of the most proven natural home remedies for cough and sore throat. Also, it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help relax the airways and reduce irritation.

You can take crushed fresh ginger by boiling it with water and drinking it three to four times per day for relief from coughing, sore throat and congestion. Also, it can be taken with Tulsi or brewed with tea can. 


Honey is affordable and accessible as a remedy for coughs. Try adding honey to hot milk to alleviate chest pain from sustained coughing. Also, mixing honey in warm lemon water or drinking tea is beneficial for soothing coughs and sore throats. 


Garlic is an all-rounder treatment for preventing common colds, coughs, lung tuberculosis, asthma, wound infections, malaria and other conditions. Garlic also has anticancer and chemopreventive activities. You can take it raw or include it in curries.


Turmeric is popular for its therapeutic effects on coughs, especially dry coughs. It is also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

You can take turmeric by adding half a teaspoon of it to a warm glass of milk to get relief from a cough, also add cinnamon sticks for extra flavour. 


Almonds help subside symptoms of cough. Try soaking five to six almonds in water for 8 to 10 hours then blend the almonds into a smooth paste and mix in one teaspoon of butter. You can consume this mixture three to four times a day to relieve symptoms. 


Pineapple suppresses coughs, loosens mucus in the throat, and alleviates sinusitis and allergy-related sinus issues. 


Grapes contain expectorant properties that help release mucus from the respiratory system. Therefore, take grapes or fresh grape juice for soothing effects.

Ajwain seeds

The common spice, Ajwain seeds is recognized for enhancing the immune system and helping to ward off colds, flu, and other viral infections. It is a good idea to take some ajwain seeds by boiling them in a little water. 


Lemons have a lot of curative properties that can relieve coughs, reduce inflammation, and boost vitamin C. You can make a cough syrup, with two tablespoons of lemon juice, and one tablespoon of honey. Take it several times a day. 


Jaggery remedies are highly effective in relieving congestion and cough. Try boiling a few peppercorns in water for about 20 minutes. Also, add a little cumin and jaggery and drink it. 


Peppermint leaves have several healing properties. The menthol in peppermint acts as a decongestant and soothes the throat, helping break down mucus. You can also take peppermint tea or inhale peppermint vapour.

Lavender oil 

Lavender oil is known for its soothing effects on the nerves. However, it is also beneficial for whooping cough, asthma, colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, halitosis, and throat infections. You can try inhaling the vapour from steamed lavender flowers as a remedy for colds and coughs.


The humble onion is one of the simplest home remedies for coughs. Did you know breathing in its strong vapours can help alleviate coughing? You can also make cough syrup by mixing half a teaspoon of onion juice with one teaspoon of honey. Take this solution at least twice daily to help soothe your throat and reduce coughing.

Masala Chai (Tea)

The all-time favourite Masala chai is traditionally used in India to treat sore throats and dry coughs. The spices include clove, cardamom, and cinnamon help mitigate coughing spells with its soothing effect.

Warm Saltwater Gargle

The easiest natural remedy for cough is gargling with warm salt water. Moreover, the salt helps pull out mucus and fluids from swollen throat tissues, cleansing irritants and providing soothing relief. 

Thyme Leaves

Thyme leaves are effective for treating respiratory diseases as the leaves contain flavonoids that relax the throat muscles and reduce inflammation. 

Therefore, thyme leaves essence helps relieve bronchitis and coughing. You can easily prepare thyme tea by taking two teaspoons of crushed thyme leaves and adding them to one cup of boiling water. Then let it steep for 10 minutes, strain the mixture and sip. 

How To Soothe Your Throat With Home Remedies

A sore throat is an indicator that you are coming down with a cold or the flu.

Also, inflammation leads to common sore throat symptoms like scratchiness, pain, swelling, and discomfort. However, there are several over-the-counter medicines and your kitchen cupboard or medicine cabinet to help ease the pain and scratchiness

Warm and cold fluids

You can relieve sore throats by sipping warm drinks, like tea or soup. Also, drinking liquids, such as ice water or popsicles. 


Take salt water gargles to help reduce swelling and irritation in your throat. Also, gargling with baking soda soothes the throat, breaks up mucus and can help with throat-irritating acid reflux.

Steam and humidity

Relax with a hot shower. Also, breathe in the throat-clearing steam as steam loosens mucus and can moisturize and soothe a sore throat.

Hot toddy

Make a hot toddy with water, whiskey, honey and lemon juice and take it as  hot beverage. You can flavour it with cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger. 


Lie down and close your eyes. Also, rest helps to fight the infection that caused your sore throat.

Broth or soup

The tried and tested chicken soup is a proven remedy for respiratory and throat conditions. For added benefits throw in some crushed black peppercorns.

Important Considerations:

You must take precautions if you are in these situations:

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

It is better to consult with your doctor before trying any new remedies, including herbal supplements or dietary changes. Also, natural remedies may have potential side effects or interactions with medications.

Underlying Medical Conditions

If you have diabetes, heart disease, or autoimmune disorders, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor before trying any new remedies.


This blog must have given you an idea of how home remedies like warm fluids, honey, and ginger can offer temporary relief from coughs by soothing the throat and loosening mucus.

Also, staying well-hydrated and getting adequate rest are crucial during this time. However, it’s consult with a healthcare professional if your cough persists, worsens, or is accompanied by fever, difficulty breathing, or blood in the phlegm.

If you have serious concerns, visit Dispur Polyclinic and Hospitals to diagnose the cause of your cough and get an appropriate treatment plan. Call at +918822669275 for appointments.

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