Dispur Polyclinic and Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.

Discover effective home solutions for sneezing relief using natural remedies. Learn how to soothe sneezing with simple, at-home treatments.

Natural Remedies for Sneezing: Effective Home Solutions for Relief

Sneezing, runny nose, and flu are frequent issues and we hardly consider them serious health problems. However, these supposedly minor health issues can cause discomfort and in severe cases need rest. Most people are back, to their active life after taking bowls of hot chicken stew and a few days in bed.

However, today people prefer antibiotics for treating illnesses, like the common cold and flu. Alarmingly, people overlook the consequences of taking medicines without any consultations. Moreover, the rising dependency on antibiotics has long-term effects. 

Therefore, now the next question is what to do when the common cold or bouts of sneezing grip you. In this blog, we have curated some Do-It-Yourself tips that clear plugged-up noses. Also, we bring you some time-tested natural remedies for stopping sneezing. Also, these easy remedies do not have any side effects. 

So, read along to learn about remedies to fight sneezing holistically.

What Is Sneezing?

Sneezing is a natural involuntary reaction to irritants that enter our nose and a way for the nose to get rid of possible germs. Sneezing occurs with an involuntary forceful burst of air from the lungs which exits the body through the nose and mouth. Also, it is not possible to control when a sneeze happens. Moreover, it removes irritants like dirt, dust and pollen from the nose or throat. The bothersome process is a way of getting rid of things that can make you sick or cause inflammation.

Common irritants include:

  • viruses or bacteria
  • dust
  • pollen
  • dander

What Are the Possible Causes of Sneezing?

The causes behind the sudden, expulsion of air or sneezing are various. The culprits can include common allergens like pollen, dust, and pet dander. However, viral infections, common cold or flu, can also set off a bout of sneezing. Our nasal passages irritated by smoke, pollution, or strong odours, lead to sneezing. Did you know emotional stress can surprise you with a sneeze?

Top Natural Remedies for Sneezing Relief

Post-COVID, studies and personal observations have shown a significant uptick in pesky runny noses and sneezes. Also, our weakened immune systems, seasonal allergies, erratic weather fluctuations, and poor diet, have made these common complaints even more prevalent. Therefore, natural alternatives to chemical-filled medications and herbal remedies have gained popularity. Continue exploring to find natural remedies to help stop sneezing, or delay a sneeze before it occurs.

Do you want to tame that sneeze reflex naturally? Here are a few tips:

Understanding What Triggers Sneezing

There can be various reasons behind a sneeze. Therefore, if you’re frequently sneezing, you must identify your specific triggers and take steps to avoid them. However, some triggers are obvious and some are hard to spot.

Know The Triggers:

  • Allergens:
    • Pollen (tree, grass, weed)
    • Dust mites
    • Pet dander
    • Mould spores
  • Irritants:
    • Dust
    • Smoke
    • perfume, cleaning chemicals
    • Dry air
  • Viral infections:
    • Common cold
    • Flu
  • Medications:
    • Nasal sprays (especially corticosteroids)
    • Certain blood pressure medications
  • Foods:
    • Spicy foods 
    • Certain fruits (bananas, pineapple)
  • Other triggers:
    • Bright light (photic sneeze reflex)
    • Sudden changes in temperature
    • Emotional stress

Treating photic sneezing

Sometimes sneezing occurs when people look at bright lights. This is photic sneezing. Also, people with this reflex start sneezing when they go outside on a bright day. Genetics also plays a part in photo sneezing. Photo sneezing may be avoided by staying away from bright lights and wearing protective sunglasses.

Avoiding certain foods

Certain foods can cause gustatory rhinitis. However, this type of sneezing can be reduced by avoiding foods:

  • Chili peppers
  • Bell peppers
  • Cayenne peppers
  • Tabasco sauce
  • Onion
  • Vinegar
  • Mustard

Avoiding environmental hazards

You can wear protective gear when you are in areas where irritants are present.

Consequently, reducing exposure to environmental irritants can help prevent complications.

Irritants include:

  • Cement
  • Coal
  • Chemicals
  • Asbestos
  • Grain or flour
  • Metals
  • Live poultry
  • Sawdust

Blowing the nose

The simple act of blowing the nose, may help clear the irritant triggering the sneeze, and stop the sneezing. However, this method is not always effective. You can keep tissues handy to stop or catch the sneeze.

Using at-home nasal sprays

Try using a nasal spray to clear the sinuses. This might help prevent a trigger from causing a sneeze. Also, using a nasal spray containing capsaicin can soothe the nasal tissue. Consequently, sneezing is less frequent. 

Increasing vitamin C intake

Vitamin C is known to have antihistamine qualities. You can increase Vitamin C by taking more citrus fruits, certain vegetables, and supplements. Consequently, there may be a potential reduction in sneezing over time due to the vitamin’s immune-boosting effects.

Drinking chamomile tea

Chamomile has antihistamine and soothing effects. Therefore, prevent sneezing by drinking a cup of chamomile tea daily. 

Eat spicy foods

Spicy foods, containing garlic, turmeric, hot peppers and ginger are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, they can cure inflammation in the body. Consequently, eating hot and spicy foods relieves congestion, and stops runny nose.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps thin mucus and ease congestion. Therefore, sip slightly warm water to avoid cold and sneezing bouts.

Good Old Ginger

Apart from being a popular culinary herb, ginger is very beneficial for health. Also, it soothes the digestive system and improves blood circulation. Ginger is a natural antihistamine, potent antiviral agent, and immune booster. In Indian culture, sipping ginger tea to alleviate nasal congestion and headaches is a very popular remedy. 


Catching a cold is one of the main causes of sneezing is cold. Therefore, to keep your nose, and respiratory system warm you need to consume foods like honey that produce heat in the body. You can take a tsp of honey and heat it with a pinch of black pepper. Take it once a day.

Herbal Tea

Indians swear by Herbal Tea as an age-old remedy used in every household. You can make this easy herbal tea by adding 2-3 black peppers in one and a half cup of boiling water. Also, add a small piece of crushed ginger with two pinches of fennel seeds in it. Let it simmer, take it out in a cup add a little lemon for taste and serve it hot.

Boost Your Immunity

Take Vitamins and Minerals to boost immunity

Vitamin C:

  • Rich sources: Citrus fruits, red peppers
  • Benefits: Boosts immunity, reduces inflammation, and combats free radicals.


  • Benefits: Strengthens immune system, and inhibits rhinovirus replication.
  • Forms: Oral supplements, lozenges.
  • Caution: Potential side effects like metallic taste, and nausea.


  • Benefits: Promotes gut health, and strengthens immune function.


  • Benefits: Antioxidants, antiviral, antibacterial properties.
  • Usage: Soothes cold symptoms like sneezing and runny nose.

Soothe Your Nasal Passages

Sneezing bouts increase due to congested nasal passage. 

Effective methods to soothe nasal passages:

  • Saline Nasal Rinses: Flush the nasal passage with a saltwater solution to remove irritants, mucus, and allergens, reducing inflammation and alleviating congestion.
  • Steam Inhalation: Inhale steam to loosen mucus and soothe irritated nasal passages. You should add eucalyptus or peppermint oil to get additional relief.
  • Essential Oil Diffusers: Use eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree oil in diffusers as they have natural decongestant properties.

Popular Prevention Tips for Sneezing

Sneezing can be prevented to some extent with some popular tips:

Check your living space for mould

Give your living spaces including damp areas to see if there is any sign you have mould. Call a professional cleaner to get rid of mould spore problems.

Maintain a Clean Environment

  • Check and change your furnace filters
  • Avoid keeping pets if you’re allergic to animal dander
  • Keep your interiors dust-free
  • Avoid clutter 

Practice Good Hygiene

  • Wash linens in very hot water to kill dust mites
  • Vacuum and dust frequently
  • Wash Hands frequently, especially after coming home.

Use a humidifier

If dry air irritates your mucus membrane, it can induce sneezing attacks. Therefore, using a good humidifier, especially at night, can help you stop sneezing.

Allergen control

You should identify and avoid allergens to reduce sneezing episodes. 

Common allergens:

  • Pollen
  • Dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Mould spores

Tips to Minimize Exposure:


  • Always use air purifiers with HEPA filters.
  • Clean and vacuum your home regularly.
  • Wash bedding in hot water weekly.
  • Keep humidity levels low.


  • Limit outdoor activities during peak allergy seasons.
  • Wear a mask when doing outdoor activities.

Benefits of Natural Remedies For Sneezing

Natural remedies for sneezing, such as those listed in this blog, can be effective for mild cases and offer several benefits:

  • Natural remedies have fewer side effects than over-the-counter medications and are gentle on the body.
  • Many natural remedies are readily available and cost-effective.
  • Natural remedies address the underlying causes of sneezing holistically. They help treat allergies or a weakened immune system.

However, natural remedies may not be suitable for everyone. Also, if the sneezing is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


We know that it is not possible to stop a sneeze by force. However, we can find ways to help prevent the reflex of sneezing. However, if you have persistent sneezing bouts. it is better to consult a doctor. Also, the remedies mentioned in this blog should be sufficient enough to cure runny nose and frequent bouts of sneezing. 

However, if your condition is not improving with natural remedies, book a consultation with an ENT doctor. You can consider consulting the ENT specialists at Dispur Poly Clinic and Hospitals. Call +918822669275 to get an appointment.

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