Dispur Polyclinic and Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.

Discover crucial advice from a pediatrician on preparing for parenthood. Our guide covers all you need to know for your baby's health and happiness.

Preparing for Parenthood: Expert Advice from a Paediatrician

Preparing for parenthood can be life-changing for couples. Also, the journey to parenthood is no one-size-fits-all. It does not come with a typed manual or set of rules. Moreover, with the near extinction of joint families and disappearing support systems, the new generation needs to be more savvy about parenthood. However, for the ones who are still excited to be parents, everyone needs some sort of preparation for this life-changing phase.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore some advice from a paediatrician on preparing for parenthood, to make going through this unpredictable ride easy for would-be parents.

Basic Checklist: Preparing For Parenthood

Let us ensure that you are prepared before your little one arrives.

Here’s a basic checklist to get you going:

The Right Time

Biologically speaking the right time to get pregnant is the 30s or late 20s. However, age is just one factor in preparing to be a parent. As would-be parents, you must consider physical and emotional well-being, finances, and support systems before you take the plunge. Moreover, parenthood brings its share of challenges, joys and disappointments. Therefore, all couples need parenting tips to begin their journey with a mature mindset.

Emotional & Mental Health Check

Responsible parenthood demands mental and emotional well-being. Extensive research reveals that a newborn’s emotional & psychological health depends largely on the well-being of the parents. Therefore, a paediatrician’s advice is essential before you decide to become a parent. 

Physical Health Check

Health is of primary concern when you start preparing for parenthood. This applies to both partners. Therefore, taking a complete health checkup is a good step.

Therefore, booking a preconception health checkup at a reliable health facility is the most important step.

Also, you should get checked for Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), diabetes, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, and obesity, among other important tests. Preconception health checks help expectant parents get a clear idea of their health and take steps as necessary. 

Reproductive Health Check

Humans are most fertile during their 20s and early 30s. Also. around 35 plus there is a decrease in their ability to conceive. However, in many cases, couples can face infertility issues even in their 20s. Therefore, it is better to take a fertility check.

Preconception Care 

Preconception care is an essential part of preparing for parenthood Also, preconception care ensures that both the parents and the baby are healthy and safe. 

In all types of parenting including natural and assisted pregnancies, couples have to take some precautionary measures. These measures include ensuring a healthy weight, an active lifestyle, being up-to-date on vaccines, and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, or smoking.

Preserving Your Eggs or Sperm

Preparing for parenthood also includes preserving your fertility when you believe that your present time isn’t the right time to have a baby. Therefore, if you are not financially, physically, medically or psychologically prepared for parenthood.  You can consider assisted reproductive routes like IVF in the future.

In such conditions, you can consult a fertility specialist and explore your options of e egg freezing, sperm banking, embryo banking, etc.

What to do Before Giving Birth

Would-be parents need to take some practical steps before the mother is wheeled into the labour room:

  • Register at your hospital to make things smoother when you arrive at the hospital. This will save you the hassle of extensive paperwork at a crucial time.
  • Choose a paediatrician so, the hospital will also send your paediatrician/clinic all results done during and after birth. 

The Basics of Infant Care: Paediatrician’s Advice

It is a most exciting time for newbie parents to bring a baby home. However, it can also be very confusing for new parents. Here is some essential paediatrician advice to help you ace the parenting game: 


Feeding a newborn may not be easy, especially for new parents. Newborns need to be fed every 2-3 hours, and it helps if you are familiar with the right feeding method for your baby, irrespective of breastfeeding, formula feeding, or a combination of both.


Breast milk is the best food for your baby’s growth and development. Therefore, you should breastfeed your newborn as often as 8-12 times a day. Also, sit comfortably to ensure your baby latches properly and feeds properly.

Formula Feeding

For formula feeding, you should follow the instructions on the packaging for preparing the feeding amounts. Also, take care to sterilise bottles and nipples before feeding and after use.


Diapering is an important part of baby care. Also, you can use disposable or cloth diapers. However, check your baby every 2-3 hours or whenever the diaper is soiled and change when required.

Diapering Tips:

  • Keep diapering supplies handy.
  • Keep the diaper area clean and organised.
  • Apply diaper rash cream.
  • Always dispose of soiled diapers promptly.

Bathing Your Newborn

Bath times help to bond with your newborn However, ensure safety and comfort during bath time. Also, it is better to give sponge baths until the umbilical cord stump falls off.

Bathing Tips:

  • Keep the water lukewarm and use fragrance-free baby soap.
  • Support your baby’s head and neck.
  • Use a soft towel to pat the baby dry.

Ensuring Safe Sleep

Ensure safe sleep practices to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Therefore, you should ensure that the baby sleeps on its back. See that the mattress is firm.

Safe Sleep Guidelines:

  • Avoid loose bedding.
  • Remove toys, pillows, and blankets.
  • Ensure comfortable room temperature.

Bonding and Soothing

Bonding helps emotional and psychological development. Therefore, spend quality time holding and talking to your baby to strengthen your bond.

Soothing Techniques:

  • Swaddle your baby.
  • Use gentle rocking or swaying motions.
  • Offer a pacifier.
  • Play soft, calming music.

Handling Common Infant Illnesses: Paediatrician’s Tips

Schedule regular check-ups with your paediatrician l to monitor your baby’s health and development. Also, you must monitor your baby’s weight, feeding patterns, and any changes.

Signs to Watch For:

  • Fever
  • Feeding issues or poor weight gain.
  • Persistent cough or breathing issue.
  • Stool consistency or frequency.

Umbilical Cord Care

Usually, the umbilical cord stump will dry and fall off within the first few weeks. However, take good care to prevent infections.

Cord Care Tips:

  • Clean the cord stump.
  • Avoid covering 
  • Clean the area with a damp cloth.
  • Consult your paediatrician if you see discharge.

Dressing Your Newborn

Learn to dress your baby to suit the season. Also, ensure that you choose soft, breathable fabrics.

Dressing Tips:

  • Layer the baby.
  • Ensure clothing comfortable
  • Avoid clothes embellishments
  • Keep the baby warm with caps and socks.

Holding Your Baby

Proper holding techniques ensure your baby’s safety and comfort. Therefore, always support your baby’s head and neck when you lift or carry them.

Holding Tips:

  • Keep the baby close to your chest for comfort.
  • Support your baby’s head and bottom with both hands
  • Avoid rough handling.
  • Practice cradle hold or football hold.

Creating a Routine

A daily routine provides structure and predictability for both you and your baby. However, it makes sense to have a flexible routine to accommodate the unpredictable nature of babies. 

Routine Tips:

  • Monitor the baby’s natural patterns and adjust.
  • Create a bedtime routine to promote better sleep.
  • Have a daily tummy time to support physical development.
  • Be patient 


Parenthood is a beautiful but complex phase of our lives. Therefore, would-be parents should prepare themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Also, this comprehensive blog must have enlightened you that, every parent’s experience is unique, Therefore, have faith in your instincts and seek a paediatrician’s advice when required.

Are you still hesitating to start preparing for parenthood? You can consider visiting the Dispur Poly Clinic and Hospitals team and benefit from their support in preparing for parenthood.

Book your appointment today and let’s start helping you in preparing for parenthood. For appointments call (+91) 8822669275. We are here to discuss your baby’s specific needs and offer personalized advice.

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